That Shade When You Really And Truly Want To Want To Not Be Single.

Fifty Shades of Single 'Shade' Song of the Second [Click Link To Play]: "Oops I Did It Again, By Britney Spears"

I was thinking of putting that 'we bring it back again!' song by P-Square as the Fifty Shades of Single 'Shade' Song of the Second (the link right up below the title that best fits the mood atm). But nah. Too cheesy, right? 

Anyway. So this is my second blog post, in case you're wondering. And even if you're not wondering. My name is obviously still Jelani, and everything in the first post still applies. Apart from the fact that it's no longer Valentine's Day any more, thank God. Having said that, I had a good day actually. Ish.

After I posted, I got my hair into that bun I was on about, and I checked my phone, and surprisingly Adaze hadn't actually messaged me, or called, or pinged; since he called in the morning. So I got ready, because knowing Adaze for as long as I have, a surprise was coming. I just didn't know what.